
How Do I Get Rid Of Pool Algae?

Addressing Algae Growth In Your Ohio Pool

Just like the Great Lakes, your swimming pool can also be susceptible to algae growth. The key to keeping your pool algae-free is through preventative measures. Algae can quickly turn your inviting pool into a murky, smelly mess. It covers the sides, floors, and equipment, making swimming unpleasant and potentially hazardous. Fortunately, preventing algae growth is easier than eliminating it after it has taken hold.

Proactive Measures to Prevent Algae

  • Maintain Balanced Chemicals: Regularly test and adjust your pool’s chemical balance, specifically the chlorine level and pH. Balanced chemicals create an environment that discourages algae growth.
  • Clean and Sanitize Regularly: Schedule weekly cleaning sessions to skim debris, vacuum the pool, and brush the walls and steps. This removes dirt and debris that algae spores can thrive on.
  • Consider Algaecide: As an additional preventative measure, consult with your pool professional about using an algaecide specifically formulated for your pool type.

Types of Pool Algae

  • Green Algae: The most common type, appearing in various shades and often clinging to surfaces. Left untreated, it can clog filters and damage pool surfaces.
  • Mustard Algae: Often mistaken for dirt due to its yellow color. It prefers shady areas and the pool walls, and is more resistant to chlorine.
  • Black Algae: The most stubborn type, taking root in cracks and crevices. Complete removal requires eliminating the deep roots.

Eradicating Existing Algae

If algae growth occurs despite your efforts, here’s how to tackle it:

  • Shock the Pool: Raise the chlorine level significantly to kill algae spores and existing algae. Maintain this shock level until the algae is eradicated.
  • Brush and Vacuum: Agitate the dead algae with a brush to release it from surfaces. Vacuum thoroughly to remove the loosened algae and debris.
  • Maintain Filter: Backwash or clean the filter regularly throughout the cleaning process to prevent clogging from dead algae.
  • Professional Help: For persistent or severe cases, consider seeking help from a pool service professional.

Additional Tips

  • Shallow Pool Ends: Be extra vigilant with cleaning shallow areas as they heat up faster, creating ideal conditions for algae growth.
  • Pool Steps: Pay close attention to cleaning the steps, a favored breeding ground for algae spores.
  • Monthly Maintenance: Consider investing in monthly pool service for professional monitoring of chemical levels and overall pool care.

Preventing algae growth is essential for maintaining a clean and healthy swimming pool. By following these steps and maintaining a consistent cleaning routine, you can ensure a sparkling oasis for you and your family to enjoy all summer long. Remember, Hawaiian Pool Builders is here to help! We offer pool maintenance packages and a variety of services to keep your pool algae-free and worry-free.  

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