Liquid Pool Cover

Consider A Liquid Pool Cover

At Hawaiian Pool Builders, we strongly recommend using a pool cover to safeguard your investment and extend the life of your pool. While traditional solid and mesh covers offer numerous advantages, we understand that manually applying and removing them can sometimes feel like a chore. This is where liquid pool covers emerge as a potential game-changer.

Liquid Pool Covers: Demystifying a New Frontier

Liquid pool covers, although present in the market for several years, are still a relatively unknown entity for many pool owners. This lack of familiarity can lead to hesitation in adopting this innovative technology. Here, we aim to shed light on liquid pool covers, their operation, and the benefits they offer.

Understanding the Essence: A Microscopic Shield

A liquid pool cover is a specially formulated solution comprised primarily of calcium hydroxide, which acts as both a carrier and dispersing agent for the active ingredients. The resulting “cover” is an invisible, one-molecule-thick layer that rests on the surface of the water. Unlike traditional covers that physically block the pool, this microscopic shield offers a unique approach to pool protection. Significantly, the cover is completely safe for swimmers, including children and pets, allowing them to enjoy the pool uninterrupted.

A Symphony of Benefits: Why Choose Liquid?

Liquid pool covers offer a compelling array of advantages that make them a worthwhile consideration for pool owners seeking a convenient and effective solution:

  • Effortless Application: Using a liquid pool cover is incredibly easy. There’s no need to wrestle with cumbersome covers or struggle with windy conditions. You simply pour the recommended amount of the solution directly onto the pool’s surface, and it disperses evenly to form its protective layer.
  • Championing Water Conservation: Evaporation is a significant contributor to water loss in pools. Liquid pool covers act as a barrier, minimizing evaporation and helping you conserve this precious resource. This not only reduces your water bill but also benefits the environment.
  • Heat Retention Powerhouse: For those who utilize pool heaters, a liquid cover can be a valuable partner. By creating a near-invisible film on the water’s surface, it helps trap heat generated by the heater, reducing energy consumption and keeping your pool at a comfortable temperature for longer.
  • Safety Without Compromise: Unlike traditional covers that prevent swimming when in place, liquid covers allow you to enjoy your pool even with the cover applied. The microscopic layer remains completely unnoticed by swimmers and doesn’t interfere with their experience. However, it’s important to remember that constant adult supervision is still crucial for children’s safety around pools, regardless of the cover type.
  • Maintaining Crystal-Clear Water: The liquid cover remains on the pool’s surface, and your pool’s filtration system continues to circulate the water beneath it. This ensures proper water flow and filtration, keeping your pool clean and clear. The minimal amounts of the liquid cover solution that may enter the filtration system won’t cause any harm.
  • Encouraging Consistent Use: The ease and convenience of using a liquid pool cover make it more likely that you’ll consistently apply this protective layer. This translates to long-term benefits for your pool’s health and your wallet.

Beyond the Basics: Considerations for Liquid Pool Covers

While liquid pool covers offer a compelling solution, it’s essential to consider a few additional factors:

  • Compatibility: Liquid pool covers are generally compatible with most pool types and sanitizing systems. However, it’s always advisable to consult your pool’s manual or a pool professional to ensure compatibility before using any new product.
  • Reapplication: The effectiveness of a liquid pool cover diminishes over time due to factors like wind, circulation, and swimmer activity. The frequency of reapplication depends on the specific product and your pool’s conditions. Most manufacturers provide clear instructions on recommended reapplication schedules.
  • Seasonal Transitions: While liquid pool covers can be beneficial throughout the swimming season, they may not be a suitable replacement for traditional winter covers in regions with harsh winters. For complete off-season protection, a sturdy winter cover remains the recommended solution.

The Choice is Yours: Exploring Your Options

At Hawaiian Pool Builders, we believe in empowering our customers with knowledge and a variety of options to suit their needs. Liquid pool covers represent an innovative approach to pool protection, offering convenience and ease of use alongside tangible benefits. If you’re looking for a way to simplify your pool care routine while maintaining a clean, healthy pool, a liquid pool cover might be the perfect solution for you. Contact our team of pool experts today to discuss your specific needs and explore whether a liquid pool cover is the right fit for your backyard pool.

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