Tips & Advice

Saltwater Swimming Pool

Saltwater Pools Vs Chlorinated Pools

Making the Perfect Choice for Your Backyard Oasis

As you embark on the exciting journey of installing a pool in your backyard, one of the initial decisions you’ll face is the type of sanitation system to choose. Traditionally, chlorine has been the go-to method for pool disinfection. However, saltwater pools have gained significant popularity in recent years, offering a compelling alternative. This article explores the advantages and disadvantages of both saltwater and chlorine pool systems, empowering you to make an informed decision that aligns perfectly with your preferences and lifestyle. Continue Reading

outdoor shower

Shower Before You Swim

It’s likely that you’ve seen signs at community pools, health clubs and hotels that ask you to shower before you swim in the pool. Chances are, most people don’t do it – it seems counter-intuitive. After all, you’re jumping into the water. But have you ever wondered why they suggest it?

There are a few reasons why taking a shower before entering a pool is recommended: Continue Reading

Swimming Pool Contractor

4 Questions To Ask Your Pool Contractor

The construction of a swimming pool means you will have to spend a lot of time researching not only the type of pool you and your family want, but more importantly the pool contractor with whom you want to work.

When you meet with the pool contractors at Hawaiian Pool Builders, we want you to come in prepared with your questions and allow yourself ample time to get the answers you need in order to make the best choices for your family. Continue Reading

Automatic Pool Cover

Saving Money Around The Pool

As a pool owner in Northwest Ohio and Southeast Michigan, your well familiar with the continuous cost of maintaining your inground swimming pool. Most just accept the costs associated with maintaining older equipment that might be outdated because your existing pump or heater still perform as they should. And, often we just accept the higher utility bills because we enjoy the luxury of our pool. Continue Reading

Pool Cover Traps Heat

Save Money On Pool Heating Costs

There are many costs associated with swimming pool ownership and one of those costs stems from heating the pool water. Heating the water can extend your swim season, but can also consume quite a bit of energy and add to your home heating bills. Continue Reading

Solar Pool Heating

Heat Your Michigan Swimming Pool With Energy From The Sun

Harnessing the power of the sun to heat your swimming pool water offers a two-fold benefit: saving money on keeping your swimming pool water warm and allowing you to extend the use of your swimming pool for a few extra months. The warmth you will reap from the sun as a way to heat your Michigan swimming pool will hinge on the amount of sun your pool is exposed to daily. Continue Reading

Backyard BBQ

Avoid Food Poisoning With These Food Tips

Summer’s still in full swing and with summer comes outdoor barbecues and picnics. Though this summer hasn’t been as hot as some in years past, leaving food in the sun can present a safety issue. Here are a few things you can do to protect yourself when enjoying food outdoors. Continue Reading

Outdoor Shower

5 Ways To Stay Cool In The Summer

After a long, cold winter, everyone is excited to get outside and enjoy warm, sunny days. However, we know that humidity and high heat can also serve to keep us indoors in order to stay cool.

Rather than stay cooped up next to the air conditioner, try these five ways to stay cool in the summer: Continue Reading

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